新关注 > 信息聚合 > 销售火爆需求大 OPPO R7需解决供求矛盾问题

销售火爆需求大 OPPO R7需解决供求矛盾问题

Sales unpopular demand oppo R7 to solve the contradiction between supply and demand of

2015-06-17 03:00:32来源: 中关村在线

进入2015年,智能手机市场变得愈发竞争激烈,可谓是几家欢喜几家愁。产品卖得不好让人愁,眼看着那么多用户却到不了“碗里”;卖得好也愁,明明有那么多用户需要购买,却没有足够的备货让用户快到“碗里”。这不,OPPO R7此刻正面临着销售火爆,却供不应求的难题。网上流传的一个段子或许是这种情况...

in 2015, the smart phone market becomes increasingly fierce competition, it may be said is several glad several sorrow. Products sell well let people sorrow, seeing so many users but to the bowl "; sell well also worry about, obviously there are so many users need to buy, but did not enough stocking allows users to" bowl ". This is not, R7 OPPO is now facing sales hot, but the problem is not in demand. A piece may be the spread of the internet...