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And then exposed the big! Robinho is passed to join TEDA soon

2015-06-18 16:50:57来源: 华体网

近日,各大门户均曝出天津泰达将7000万引进孙可的消息,消息一出,一改人们对天津泰达的印象。孙可的消息还没有被双方证实,又传出天津泰达将引进罗比尼奥的消息。 此前,泰达技术总监陈金刚明确表示,不会引进前世界足球先生罗纳尔迪尼奥。泰达方面曾表示小罗“年龄太大、基本处于退役状态”,因此不予...

recently, each household door exposed Tianjin TEDA will be 70 million to introduce sun's news. News a, a change people's impression of Tianjin TEDA. Sun Ke's message has not been confirmed by both parties, and that the Tianjin TEDA will introduce Robinho's message. Previously, TEDA technical director Chen Jingang said clearly, not the introduction of former World Footballer Ronaldinho. TEDA has said Ronaldinho "too old, basically in a state, and therefore not retired"...