新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华鼎奖全球演艺名人百强榜出炉 海瑟薇独占鳌头

华鼎奖全球演艺名人百强榜出炉 海瑟薇独占鳌头

Huading award of global performing celebrities hundred list Duzhanaotou

2014-12-11 15:18:52来源: 中国青年网

安妮 海瑟薇 腾讯娱乐讯 昨日,上海大众汽车凌渡品牌首席战略合作的第15届华鼎奖全球演艺名人100强总排行榜在京揭晓。此榜单是根据道德修养、专业素养、公益行为、社会影响、商业价值五大调研要素产生...

Hathaway Anne Hathaway Tencent entertainment news yesterday, Shanghai Volkswagen Ling Du brand chief strategic cooperation fifteenth Huading award global celebrities 100 strong top announced in beijing. This list is generated according to the moral cultivation, professional quality, public behavior, social influence, the commercial value of the five research elements...