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女孩精神状况欠佳 赖上公交不肯下车

The girl poor mental health Lai refused to get off a bus driver

2015-01-21 00:55:27来源: 青岛网络电视台

公交222路车队的一位驾驶员给生活在线打来电话,说有位特殊的乘客,坐在公交车上不下来了,她遇到了什么麻烦了吗? 在222路总站,记者见到了这位不愿下车的女孩,她说自己名叫倩倩,今年27岁。经过几...

bus 222 road team for life online call, said a special passenger, sitting on the bus down, she met what trouble? At the 222 Terminus Road, the reporters saw the do not want to get off the girl, she said she called Qian Qian, 27 years old this year. After a few...