新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第三人称MOBA团队竞技游戏《神之浩劫》登陆PS4


The third person MOBA team games "havoc of god" landing PS4

2016-06-03 17:59:20来源: 新浪

在成功发行了Xbox One版后,著名第三人称MOBA网游《神之浩劫》正式登陆PS4,时间为5月31日。 《神之浩劫》最早于2014年登陆PC平台,国内由腾讯代理。这款游戏中的角色都取材于一些古老神话传说中的人物,比如中国神话中的孙悟空、希腊神话中的宙斯、北欧神话中的托尔等等。今年年...

After the success the Xbox One edition, famous third person MOBA games officially land PS4 "havoc of god", time is on May 31. "The havoc of god" as early as 2014 on PC platform, domestic represented by tencent. The role of the game is based on some of the characters in the ancient myths and legends, such as the Chinese myth of the Monkey King, Zeus in Greek mythology, Norse mythology of the total, etc. In this year...

标签: PS 游戏 PS4