新关注 > 信息聚合 > 琼斯献隔扣+压哨三分 打18铁拿20+11+8反戈旧主

琼斯献隔扣+压哨三分 打18铁拿20+11+8反戈旧主

Jones offered across the button + buzzer three points hit 18 iron with 20+11+8 against the old main

2014-12-07 22:33:21来源: 网易

吉林85-87遗憾输给辽宁,琼斯在上半场带领球队打出出色的表现,并且他频频为队友送出快攻妙传的同时还玩了一记隔人暴扣,但是下半场琼斯几乎消失,吉林遗憾输球。 网易体育12月7日报道: CBA16...

Jilin 85-87 regret losing to Liaoning in the first half, Jones leads the team to split out the outstanding performance, and he frequently team out fastbreak pass also play a note to separate people dunk, but in the second half Jones almost disappeared. Sorry to lose, Jilin. NetEase sports reported in December 7th: CBA16...