新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德州老农送七夕祝福!李佩斯晒和公鸡合照(组图)


Dezhou farmer sent July 7th blessing! Lee pace sun and cock photo (photo)

2015-08-20 23:27:18来源: 广西新闻网

搜狐娱乐讯 七夕节,号称最接地气的外国男神李佩斯在网上晒出一组与公鸡(母鸡)的合影,表情呆萌可爱,引来网友热议,很多网友惊讶的表示外国人居然知道中国的情人节,这样秀恩爱一点都不虐。

Sohu Entertainment News Tanabata Festival, known as the foreign men of God gas Lee pace in the online drying out photo of a group and a cock, hen, expression stay cute, adorable, net friend draws hot debate, a lot of friends surprised said foreigners actually know the Chinese Valentine's day, this show of affection a points are not abuse.