新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高清组图:川剧与泰拳结合 呈现不一样视觉体验

高清组图:川剧与泰拳结合 呈现不一样视觉体验

HD photo: Sichuan and the combination of Muay Thai show different visual experience

2015-05-18 22:45:37来源: 四川新闻网

泰拳表演。 川剧表演。 四川新闻网成都5月18日讯(记者 彭亮 摄影报道)为庆祝中泰建交40周年,进一步推动四川省与泰国在经贸、文化和旅游等领域的友好交流与合作,庆祝中泰建交40周年中泰文化交流...

Muay Thai show. Sichuan opera. Chengdu, Sichuan News Network on May 18 hearing (reporter Peng light photo coverage) for Thailand to celebrate the 40th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations to further promote the Sichuan Province and Thailand in the areas of economy, trade, culture and tourism friendly exchanges and cooperation to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand Sino Thai cultural exchange...