新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015“民信杯”全国广场舞大赛火热开启!


2015, "China Cup" national square dance contest open hot!

2015-05-15 23:27:37来源: 新华报业网

“时光未老,让健康与时尚伴舞;相约民信,舞出健康与美丽。”2015“民信杯”全国广场舞大赛火热开启。本次大赛以“携手民信?舞动中国”为核心主题,鼓励广大舞友在竞技中享受舞蹈乐趣,以舞会友。同时,大赛将对优秀舞者或团体颁发丰厚奖励,让众舞友不虚此行。 活动现已开启报名咨询热线,快快行动...

"time old, let health and fashion dance; meet the postal, dance a health and beauty." 2015 "China Cup" national square dance contest fiery open. The contest "hand in hand with the postal? Dancing China" as a core theme, to encourage the majority of the friends of dance in athletics to dance and enjoy fun, friends to dance. At the same time, the contest will be awarded huge reward for excellent dancers or groups, let all the friends dance trip. The activity has already opened up the advisory hot line, quickly move...