新关注 > 信息聚合 > EXO成员灿烈遭粉丝扔纸扇砸到小腿


Exo members chanyeol being fans throw paper fan hit 4 - 8 months calf

2015-08-04 10:23:17来源: 中国青年网

中新网8月4日电 据香港“明报”报道,上周六(1日)EXO在成都举行演唱会时,成员灿烈遭粉丝扔纸扇砸到受伤。 当晚,EXO演出期间,成员一字排开讲话,身穿短裤的灿烈被粉丝突如其来扔上台的纸扇砸到小腿,他当时痛叫了一声,跟着查看自己小腿的伤势,幸好只是轻微擦伤,并无大碍,队友Lay见状...

Beijing according to Hong Kong "Ming Pao Daily News" reported, on Saturday (1) exo in Chengdu held a concert, Chan members strong being fans throw paper fan hit injured. That night, exo performance during members lined up speech, wearing shorts chanyeol is fans suddenly throw on the stage of the paper fan hit to the calf, he the pain was called a sound, followed by viewing the calf of his leg injury, fortunately, it was just a minor abrasions, harmless, teammate lay seeing...