新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陇南康县多措并举助推中药材产业提质增效


Longnan County Duocuobingju boost in quality and efficiency of medicine industry

2015-04-02 16:28:53来源: 中国甘肃网

中国甘肃网4月2日讯 (通讯员 冯丽蓉)今年,康县认真贯彻落实甘肃省农业产业发展“十百千万”工程和陇南市特色产业提质增效年活动精神,重点围绕中药材产业提质增效这一主题,六措并举,强力推进全县中药材产...

Gansu, China Network April 2 news (correspondent Feng Lirong) this year, Kangxian County earnestly implement the agriculture industry development in Gansu Province Shibaiqianwan engineering and Longnan City characteristic industry quality and efficiency in mental activities, mainly focused on medicine industry upgrading efficiency this theme, six measures and lift, and vigorously promote the county traditional Chinese medicinal materials produced...