新关注 > 信息聚合 > 迅雷星域CDN与爱奇艺达成战略合作


Thunder star domain CDN and fantastic art reached a strategic cooperation

2015-07-24 21:55:16来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 北京时间7月24日晚间消息,迅雷(Nasdaq:XNET)今日宣布,已与爱奇艺达成战略合作,通过迅雷的“水晶项目”为爱奇艺提供众包带宽服务。 目前,爱奇艺旗下点播业务已接入迅雷星域CDN。通过此次合作,星域CDN迈出了布局互联网视频业务的重要一步,并将与爱奇艺携手推动视频...

sina science and technology news Beijing time on July 24 evening news, today announced that the thunder (Nasdaq:XNET), have been iqiyi reached a strategic cooperation, by thunder crystal project "iqiyi provide crowdsourcing bandwidth services. At present, iqiyi's on-demand business has access to the thunder star domain CDN. Through this partnership, star CDN domain towards the an important step in the layout of Internet video services, and with the fantastic art work together to promote the video...