新关注 > 信息聚合 > 足协18个岗位向社会招聘 足管人才迎职业黄金期

足协18个岗位向社会招聘 足管人才迎职业黄金期

FA 18 post to social recruitment foot tube personnel welcome professional gold

2015-09-24 14:42:45来源: 网易

昨天下午,中国足球协会在其官网发布了《中国足球协会2015年公开招聘公告》,面向社会提供18个岗位,共20个名额。以往,足协还从来没有如此大规模公开招聘的历史,不难看出,在实行管办分离改革后,中国足球不仅需要民间资本的注入,也需要吸纳大量专业的民间人才。 从公告中得知,中国足协此次拟招...

yesterday afternoon, the Chinese Football Association in its official website released the "Chinese Football Association 2015 open recruitment notice", for the community to provide 18 positions, a total of 20 places. In the past, the football association has never been such a large-scale open recruitment of history, is not difficult to see, after the implementation of the separation of the management of the pipe, the Chinese football is not only the need to inject private capital, but also need to absorb a large number of professional folk talent. Learned from the announcement, the Chinese Football Association intends to recruit...