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周杰伦为昆凌找月子中心 忙里忙外超贴心

Jay Chou was Kunling find confinement center juggle super intimate

2015-05-08 08:30:24来源: 中国青年网

周杰伦昆凌(资料图) 据台湾媒体报道,亚洲天王周杰伦(周董)4月在脸书公开宣布,昆凌(Hannah)怀了小baby,随着老婆肚子越来越大、外界推估预产期在9月,而他现在已经开始找月子中心。但可是...

Jay Kunling (data plan), according to Taiwan media reports, Asian pop king Jay Chou (Jay) in April in the face of the book publicly announced, Kun Ling (Hannah conceived a baby, with his wife belly is more and more big, outside the push to estimate the expected date of childbirth in September, and he has now begun to find the center of the month. But...