新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微博即将解除140字发布限制 网友:可以写小说了

微博即将解除140字发布限制 网友:可以写小说了

Microblogging will soon lift the limit of 140 words or publish User: You can write a novel

2016-01-21 11:23:46来源: 环球网

【环球科技报道 周涛】最新消息,微博开放平台将于近日,正式开放微博140字的发布限制。此项功能,预计于1月28日对微博会员开放试用权限,预计于2月28日正式对微博全量用户开放。 微博CEO王高飞...

Zhou Tao] [Global Technology report the latest news, microblogging open platform will soon officially open microblogging 140 words publication restrictions. This feature is expected to open in January 28 trial membership privileges microblogging, microblogging is expected to officially open to the whole amount of users on February 28. Weibo CEO Wang Gaofei ...