新关注 > 信息聚合 > “哆啦A梦”嘉年华明日开启 看电影玩游戏还有礼..

“哆啦A梦”嘉年华明日开启 看电影玩游戏还有礼..

Duo a dream "Carnival tomorrow to open a movie playing games and gift..

2015-05-28 19:58:04来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 这个“六一”,大朋友、小朋友们有“蓝胖子”相伴一定不孤单。随着《哆啦A梦:伴我同行》的欢乐上映,一场“哆啦A梦”主题嘉年华将于明日在重庆鼎龙达影城启幕。 大型“蓝胖子”公仔向路人招手。...

[Abstract] the" 61 ", friends, the kids have accompanied the" Blue Man "not necessarily lonely. With the Doraemon: with my peers, the joy of release, a Duo a dream, "the theme of the carnival will be held tomorrow at the Chongqing Dinglongda studios curtain. Large "blue fat Doll" waved. ...