新关注 > 信息聚合 > 童星吴若瑄与天后王菲合作3次受关注(图)


Child star Wu Ruoxuan and queen Faye Wong 3 times the cooperation attention (Figure)

2014-10-01 23:55:02来源: 华龙网

吴若瑄妈妈:“那天风很大,王菲身上有一件很大件的外套(罩住吴若瑄),她们之间的互动应该算是还不错。混合西方面孔很上镜,让9岁的吴若瑄跟12岁的哥哥吴文瑄,从小就特别受广告商青睐,如今吴若瑄因为跟王菲拍广告,还有天后帮她挡风,迅速在童星界打开知名度。 中新网10月1日电据台湾TVBS新闻...

mother Wu Ruoxuan: "the day a great wind, Faye Wong body has a very big coat (around Wu Ruoxuan), the interaction between them should be good. Mixed West face very photogenic, so that 9 year old Wu Ruoxuan and 12 year old brother, Wu Wenxuan, was particularly popular with advertisers favor, now with Wu Ruoxuan because Faye Wong commercials, and days to help her windshield, rapid popularity in star world open. In new network on 1 October, according to the Taiwan TVBS news...