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总决赛中意首发:郑益昕王梦洁亮相 主二传王娜

Finals Zhongyi first: Zheng Yixin Wang Mengjie debut setter main Na

2015-07-25 06:58:19来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间7月25日清晨06:10,2015年世界女排[微博]大奖赛总决赛在美国奥马哈继续第三轮争夺,中国队迎战意大利队。以下为本场比赛双方的首发: 中国女排[微博]: 主攻:13号...

sina sports news Beijing time on July 25 in the morning in 06:102015 World Women's volleyball team [microblogging] Grand Prix finals in Omaha to the third round of the competition, Chinese team against Italy. The following is the game between the two sides of the first women's volleyball team: China [micro-blog: Main: 13...