新关注 > 信息聚合 > 保利海上五月花在建7号楼着火:是什么原因?对工..


Poly sea May flower in the construction of 7 Building Fire: what is the reason? To work..

2015-03-25 20:41:04来源: 大河网

先说说着火: 事情经过:3月25日下午2点左右保利海上五月花玫瑰园小区在建7号楼发生火灾,7层洋房外侧防护网及屋内泡沫板烧毁。据小区施工人员称,大火从楼的东北角一楼燃起,迅速点燃外侧防护网,引燃...

first talk about the fire: after things: March 25th afternoon around 2 poly sea May Flower Rose Garden District in the construction of 7 building fire, 7 villa outer protective net and the house burned foam board. According to the district construction personnel says, the fire from the floor of the northeast corner of a building to ignite, quickly lit outside protective net, ignition...