新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小心!歪果仁也学会了钓鱼短信诈骗


Be careful! Slanting nuts also learned to fishing SMS fraud

2016-06-12 23:34:47来源: TechWeb

目前,双重认证已经逐渐成为重要安全举措之一。不管是Google还是Apple,或者Facebook甚至是银行,都开始采用这项安全措施。 在双重认证的保护下,用户进行登录操作时不仅要输入账号密码,还...

At present, two-factor authentication has become one of the important safety measures. Both Google and Apple, or Facebook and even bank, has started using the security measures. Under the aegis of the two-factor authentication, the user log in operation is not only to enter the account password, also...