新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高晓松晒98年与妹妹合照 网友:岁月是把猪饲料

高晓松晒98年与妹妹合照 网友:岁月是把猪饲料

Gao Xiaosong sun 98 years net friend and sister photo: time is the pig feed

2015-02-18 13:53:53来源: 中国青年网

高晓松微博截图 今晨,高晓松在微博上晒出一张自己的旧照,并表示:“妹妹年前忽然发来一张98年旧照,似有恨光阴之意,然而我早已看穿一切……” 微博发出后,随即引来网友评论。有网友一针见血地指出,“潜台词就是显摆其实也瘦过”;也有网友调侃高晓松,“果然那个年代的摄影技术能拯救任何人”...

Gao Xiaosong micro-blog screenshots this morning, Gao Xiaosong in the micro-blog out one of his old photos, and said: "sister years ago suddenly sends in a 98 year old photos, like hate time in Italy, but I know all......" Micro-blog issued, then netizens comments. The netizen that pierce to the heart of the matter, "the subtext is show in fact also too thin"; also the netizen speaks of Gao Xiaosong, "was the age of photography technology can save anyone"...