新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩德君的选择打了江苏篮球的脸


Han Dejun choice to play basketball Jiangsu face

2016-05-11 19:15:19来源: 中国新闻网

韩德君 昨天,辽宁男篮宣布,球队中锋、今夏合同到期的韩德君已经和球队续约4年,随着韩德君留守辽篮,高薪追求他的北京队和新疆队宣告追人失败,这也意味着韩德君在钱和忠诚之间,选择了后者。 在职业体育里,忠诚似乎是一件奢侈品,不过辽宁男篮此次成功留人,对于近年来人员出走成风的江苏篮球或许是...

Hande Jun Yesterday, Liaoning men's basketball team announced that the team center, Han Dejun contract expires this summer, and the team has been renewed for four years, with the Han Dejun stay Liaolan, paying the pursuit of his team and the Xinjiang Beijing team failed to declare chasing people that are Han Dejun means between money and loyalty, chose the latter. In professional sports, the loyalty seems to be a luxury, but the Liaoning men's basketball success of keeping the staff exodus in recent years has become a trend in Jiangsu basketball perhaps ...