新关注 > 信息聚合 > SING女团青春活力登陆2015南国书香节


The youthful vitality of the sing tanacu landing 2015 Southern Literary Festival

2015-08-17 14:35:57来源: 大众网

一年一度的华南盛会——南国书香节暨羊城书展在广州琶洲如期而至。8月15日下午,数字出版网游动漫馆座无虚席、热闹非凡,舞台上10位春活力的无敌美少女吸引了众多前来逛书展的观众的视线。 SING女团此...

Annual South China event, Southland Shuxiang Festival and Yangcheng book fair in Guangzhou Pazhou Ruqierzhi. On the afternoon of August 15, digital publishing online animation hall packed, bustling, stage 10 spring dynamic invincible beautiful girl attracted many to come around the line of sight of the audience of the book fair. The women's team SING...