新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南京路小学主体即将开建 年底主体封顶(图)

南京路小学主体即将开建 年底主体封顶(图)

Nanjing Road Primary School is about to start building by the end of the main body cap (FIG)

2016-08-25 10:12:16来源: 半岛网

晚报讯 南京路小学原址重建是今年市南区实施“校园升级”工程的重点工程之一。昨日,青岛工程建设管理信息网发布招标公告,南京路小学正进行施工和监理招标,待本月土石方工程结束后即将开建,预计年底主体封顶。...

Evening News Nanjing Road Primary School is one of the redevelopment Nam implementation of the "campus upgrade" project key projects this year. Yesterday, Qingdao construction management information network publishing tender notices, Nanjing Road Primary School is conducting construction and supervision tender, about to start building until the end of this month earthwork is expected by the end of the main cap. ...