新关注 > 信息聚合 > 他和她居然是夫妻?当红男星前妻大曝光(图)


He and she is actually a husband and wife? Popular actor ex-wife exposure (Figure)

2015-08-27 20:41:24来源: 新华报业网

1995年,许亚军接拍《风荷怨》,演对手戏的就是何晴,两人相识后走到了一起。2005年1月初,二人宣布离婚。二人育有一子,结合了爸爸妈妈的优点,非常可爱,不过到底没能留得住父母的长久婚姻。 姜文...

1995, Xu Yajun filming of "Fenghe resentment, and develops the match play is what fine, two people met together. In early 2005 two, the 1 announced a divorce. Two people have a son, with the advantages of the father and mother, is very cute, but in the end did not have to keep their parents for a long marriage. Jiang Wen...