新关注 > 信息聚合 > 私募二季度小幅调仓 钟情喝酒吃药逛超市

私募二季度小幅调仓 钟情喝酒吃药逛超市

Private equity in the second quarter edged The supermarket love to drink the medicine

2016-08-24 10:37:29来源: 新浪

证券时报记者 陈见南 上市公司半年报透露知名私募二季度持股动向。证券时报·数据宝统计,王亚伟二季度小幅加仓三聚环保、天邦股份等个股,新进重仓歌华有线;赵丹阳二季度加仓东阿阿胶、山西汾酒等个股;赵...

The securities times reporter Chen see south half annual report of listed companies well-known private equity stake in the second quarter of movements. Securities times treasure statistic, slightly in the second quarter of ya-wei wang gallons (environmental protection, day state shares, such as stocks, new positions gehuayouxian; Zhao out again in the second quarter of the company, shanxi fenjiu, etc; Zhao...