新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宜兴公路应急中心党支部开展专题学习讨论


Yixing roads emergency centre party branch to carry out the project-based learning to discuss

2016-06-23 10:26:16来源: 中国公路网

6月17日下午,宜兴公路管理处应急中心党支部组织全体党员开展“新时期共产党员思想行为规范”专题讨论活动,这一环节是该支部“两学一做”学习教育活动十项重点工作之一。 讨论会开始,中心支部书记对本次...

On June 17 afternoon, yixing highway management office party branch organizations all party members to carry out emergency center "of the communist party in the new period thought behavior standards" panel discussion activities, this link is the branch "two learn how to make a" one of ten key learning education activities. Discussion started, the center branch secretary of the...