新关注 > 信息聚合 > 团队管理心得:如何去筹建管理跨服固定团


Experience of team management: how to build management inter service mission fixed

2015-04-08 12:16:14来源: 多玩游戏

一、筹建工作 1.1、选择交流平台:跨服固定团因没有公会系统,团员与团员之间分散在各个服务器无法联系,因此选择一个合适的交流平台便是第一步该做的工作。 现在沟通软件多样,每个人手里几乎都会有常...

, build work 1.1, the choice of exchange platform: inter service fixed mission because there is no guild system, between the member and the member dispersed in each server could not be contacted, so choose a suitable exchange platform is the first step to do the work. Communication software now, almost everyone in the hands of the ordinary...