新关注 > 信息聚合 > 极简风原木之暖 舒适里巧妙收纳

极简风原木之暖 舒适里巧妙收纳

Warm comfort of minimalist style wood cleverly accommodating

2016-08-25 13:10:05来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 客厅电视墙下方使用钢砂处理过的木皮当作矮柜,强化屋内的收纳功能,与白色系的主色相互唱和,打造出温和舒适的视觉效果。客厅主吊灯会让小面积空间显得太复杂,因此天花板采用崁灯,辅以投射灯营造温馨...

Abstract treated using the grit beneath the veneer wall living room TV as Aigui strengthen housed inside the function, and the main color whitish sing to each other, to create a gentle and comfortable visual effects. Main living room chandelier makes a small area of the space seems too complicated, so use ceiling down light, supplemented by spot light to create a warm ...