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跟平庸身材Say Bye-Bye,通通变身高瘦美!

With mediocre stature Say Bye-Bye, all turned and thin beauty!

2016-07-25 08:45:26来源: 人民网

欧美型人街拍 伏天来临,7、8月的身材成为一年当中最直观的印象,所以,绝对容不得掉链子……所谓“4月不减肥,7月徒伤悲”,这个借口现在看来显然已经迟了,还不如用衣裳来弥补。那么发挥优势、掩盖缺点...

European and American street shooting type people coming dog days of summer, July and August figure became the year's most intuitive impression, therefore, absolutely not tolerate the ball dropped ...... so-called "do not lose weight in April, July, only sad," the excuse now look apparently to late, might as well use to make clothes. So advantages, cover up the shortcomings ...