新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王晓理发微博称手术顺利 鲍春来送祝福

王晓理发微博称手术顺利 鲍春来送祝福

Wangxiao haircut micro Bo said smooth operation Bao Chunlai send blessings

2015-05-25 21:23:43来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间5月25日,羽毛球[微博]世界冠军王晓理更新了微博,写道:“手术顺利,谢谢大家。”根据王晓理在微博中的回复内容来看,她是进行了肘关节手术。同样是羽毛球世界冠军的鲍春来[微博]在王...

sina sports news Beijing time on May 25, badminton [microblogging] world champions Wang Xiaoli updated blog, wrote: "the smooth operation, thank you." According to Wang Xiaoli in the micro blog to see, she is the elbow joint surgery. Same is the badminton world champion Bao Chunlai [microblogging] in the king...