新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吉林镇赉获“中国宜居城镇”称号 全国9城镇入选

吉林镇赉获“中国宜居城镇”称号 全国9城镇入选

Jilin Zhenlai won the title of national "China livable towns" 9 towns selected Jilin Jilin Zhenlai

2015-12-11 08:02:31来源: 新浪吉林

[吉林镇赉荣获“中国宜居城镇”称号 全国共9城镇入选]日前,“第一届中国新型城镇化高峰论坛及中国新型城镇化项目招商会”在北京召开,镇赉县与全国其他8个城镇荣获“中国新型城镇化建设·中国宜居城镇”称号...

[won the "China livable town" Title A total of 9 cities selected] recently, "the first Chinese new urbanization forum and Chinese new urbanization project investment will be held in Beijing, Zhenlai and other 8 cities nationwide won the" China new urbanization construction China livable town "title...