新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重庆打造“海归生态圈”引国际人才入渝


Chongqing to create returnees ecosystem cited international talent into Chongqing

2016-04-18 02:41:07来源: 中国青年网

图为海归青年人才招聘会签约现场。 钟旖 摄 中新网重庆4月17日电 (钟旖)“目前重庆的留学人才团体仍处于小、散、乱状态。我们期望借由重庆市渝中区留学人员服务中心的工作开展,打造‘海归生态圈’,为海外人才入渝提供全方位的服务。”17日,重庆市渝中区侨联副主席李昭在当地举行的海归青年人...

The picture is returnees young talent recruitment will be signed on the spot. Zhong Yi photo in the new network, Chongqing, April 17 power (Zhong Yi), the current study in Chongqing group is still in small, scattered, chaotic state. We hope that by the Yuzhong Chongqing district students service center to carry out the work, to create 'returnees ecological circle', for overseas talent to provide a full range of services to chongqing." 17, vice chairman of Chongqing Federation of Yuzhong District, Li Zhao held at the local youth returnees...