新关注 > 信息聚合 > CFIC2016新闻发布会暨消防品牌盛会启动会隆重举行


CFIC2016 press conference and event was held a kick-off meeting for fire brands

2016-04-22 21:34:02来源: 慧聪网

慧聪消防网讯2016中国消防安全产业大会(CFIC2016)注册报名 2016年4月22日下午,在中国消防协会、中国阻燃学会、中国建筑学会建筑防火综合技术分会、中国建筑学会建筑给水排水研究分会指导下...

Automobil fire network - 2016 China's fire safety industry conference (CFIC2016) registration on the afternoon of April 22, 2016, in China fire protection association, China flame retardant society, comprehensive building fire protection technology branch of China construction institute, water supply and drainage of China architectural society ﹑ research branch under the guidance of...

标签: CF