新关注 > 信息聚合 > 亚冠官方最佳阵容:埃神高拉特领衔 恒大6人入选

亚冠官方最佳阵容:埃神高拉特领衔 恒大6人入选

Best team AFC official: Egyptian god LVL headlining Hengda 6 selected

2015-11-23 13:23:19来源: 中国新闻网

中新网11月23日电 今天中午,亚冠官方通过微博公布了今年亚冠联赛“梦之队”11人名单,在这份名单中,恒大有6人,成为最大的赢家,这6人分别是:前锋高拉特、埃尔克森,中场郑智、黄博文,后卫金英权、张...

new network on November 23 at noon today, AFC official through the micro Bo announced the list of this year's AFC Champions League "dream team" 11 people, in this list, Hengda has 6 people, become the biggest winner, the 6 respectively is: striker LVL, Eriksson and midfielder Zheng Zhi, Huang Bowen, Defender Kim eng, Zhang...