新关注 > 信息聚合 > 细菌太阳能微流体板可持久供电 或颠覆传统太阳能..

细菌太阳能微流体板可持久供电 或颠覆传统太阳能..

Solar panels bacterial microfluidic sustainable solar powered or subvert the traditional ..

2016-04-28 12:43:22来源: 人民网

[导读] 美国宾汉顿大学的研究人员首次通过将9个细菌太阳能电池连接到一个微流体生物太阳能板上,持续获得了最大功率5.59瓦的清洁电力,这一研究成果有望颠覆传统太阳能发电方式。 细菌太阳能微流体板可持久供电 科技日报北京4月27日电 (记者华凌)美国宾汉顿大学的研究人员首次通过将9...

[REVIEW] Researchers at Binghamton University for the first time by 9 bacterial solar cell is connected to a microfluidic biological solar panel, continue to get the maximum power of 5.59 watts of clean power, this research is expected to overturn the traditional solar power generation . Solar panels bacterial microfluidic sustainable supply Science and Technology Daily Beijing April 27 (Reporter Hualing) Researchers at Binghamton University for the first time by 9 ...