新关注 > 信息聚合 > 口袋妖怪极光石一周目攻略18 水舰队基地

口袋妖怪极光石一周目攻略18 水舰队基地

Pokemon Aurora stone in the two major forces of Pokemon Aurora stone a week orders Raiders 18 water fleet base

2015-06-29 15:35:20来源: 4399

水舰队是口袋妖怪极光石中的两大势力之一,基地遍布各个角落,目的是收集稀有并且强大的神奇宝贝。接下来我们的冒险将要进入水舰队的基地,一起来看看吧! 加入4399口袋妖怪极光石交流群284508675...

water fleet base throughout every corner, the purpose of which is to collect the rare and powerful Pokemon. Next our adventure will be to enter the base of the water fleet! Join the 4399 pocket monster Aurora Group 284508675...