新关注 > 信息聚合 > 表演、美食、低价……昆明万达广场等你来


Performance, food, low price...... Kunming Wanda Plaza, you

2015-06-12 07:22:19来源: 和讯网

本报讯 去年10月31日,昆明西山万达广场满铺开业,成为全城舆论的焦点。半年多的时间,万达集团用地产、商业、公益等形式,把“共创财富,公益社会”的企业使命传达给公众,给城市带来新的变化,也给市民...

Washington last year October 31, Kunming Xishan Wanda Plaza shop opened, become the focus of public opinion in the city. More than half a year's time, Wanda Group in real estate, commercial, public interest, to communicate to the public the create wealth, welfare society's corporate mission, bring about new changes to the city, but also to the people.