新关注 > 信息聚合 > "日光盘"因银行违规成烂尾楼 监管部门不作为

"日光盘"因银行违规成烂尾楼 监管部门不作为

"Day CD for bank fraud uncompleted residential flats regulators not as

2015-08-03 04:45:31来源: 南方网

据新华社电“中铁田逸之星”这个曾经的“日光盘”有近3亿元的预售资金,足可保证房屋建好并按期交付,然而本该专款专用的预售资金从一开始就遭遇“连环违规”——首付款被堂而皇之地打进开发商自设的账户,资金监管银行和房贷银行无视相关规定违规划转预售资金。 曾经火爆如今烂尾 业主张胜利连说“倒...

according to Xinhua news agency, railway Tian Yi star" this once "Day CD has nearly 300 million yuan of funds for pre-sale, enough to ensure housing built and delivered on schedule. However, the earmarking funds for pre-sale from began suffered a series of illegal" -- the first payment is openly scored developers set up accounts and capital regulation of banks and mortgage banks ignore the relevant provisions of the illegal transfer of funds for pre-sale. Once hot now owners even said "unfinished victory down...