新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奥奇传说无双战神解析


Aoqi legend unparalleled ares analytical

2015-07-28 14:59:32来源: 4399

奥奇传说无双战神解析 奔驰于沙场,未曾败绩,停留在巅峰的山上,沉醉于胜利之中,所以此生,只为杀戮而存在 【获得方式】 获得地点:英雄殿神属性觉醒获得 获得方式:用盖世武将超进化获得无双武将,...

Aoqi legend unparalleled ares analytical Mercedes Benz on the battlefield, not defeat, stay on the top of the mountain, indulge in the victory, so in this life, only to kill exist [get] access to locations: Hall of heroes God attributes awakening to gain access to: get unparalleled military commander with matchless generals ultra evolution,...