新关注 > 信息聚合 > “科比男孩”被2所美国大学录取 本月将出国深造

“科比男孩”被2所美国大学录取 本月将出国深造

Kobe boy was admitted to 2 American universities this month will go abroad for further study

2016-08-07 08:58:17来源: 中国青年网

“科比男孩”李安强第一次朋友圈发了自己的义肢 “科比男孩” 汶川地震时,李安强为了救同样被压在石板下面的同学,失去双腿。2009年,他在某体育论坛上给科比写信,后来信件被科比本人看到,并给他...

"Kobe boy" Li Anqiang for the first time the circle of friends made their prosthetic "Kobe boy" during the earthquake of Wenchuan, Li Anqiang also pressed on the stone in order to save the classmates, lost both legs. In 2009, he wrote a letter to Kobe at a sports forum, and later the letter was seen by Kobe himself, and gave it to him...