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今日收盘:静待MSCI靴子落地 大盘震荡盘整收红

Closed up today, waiting for the MSCI boots ground grail concussion consolidation red

2016-06-14 15:39:38来源: 财新网

财新网6月14日电:食品饮料领涨,沪指收报2842.19点,涨幅0.32%。 明日凌晨5点,A股是否纳入MSCI投票结果将揭晓。周二(6月14日)沪深两市小幅低开,全天维持横盘格局,沪指在283...

Caixin, June 14 (Reuters) : food and beverage led, the Shanghai composite index closed at 2842.19 points, or 0.32%. At 5 a.m. tomorrow, whether a-shares in MSCI voting results will be announced. On Tuesday (June 14) and shenzhen two city slightly low, maintain a sideways pattern throughout the day, the Shanghai composite index in 283...