新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吴朝晖:在完善市场机制基础上改善药品流通体制


Zhao-hui wu: on the basis of perfecting the market mechanism to improve the drug circulation system

2016-07-26 21:37:41来源: 39健康网

分享到微信朋友圈 “扫一扫”分享 核心提示:目前,浙江省卫计委已建立了药品采购平台,这可以保证药品生产企业与零售终端直接结算。按照吴朝晖的设想,这将直接改变目前的支付方式,奠定了实施“两票制”的...

Share the WeChat "scan" circle of friends to share core clew: at present, the health development planning commission of zhejiang province has established drug procurement platform, this can ensure that the drug manufacturers and retail terminal directly. By zhao-hui wu's idea, it will change the present payment directly, laid the implementation of the "two votes"...