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监管政策生变 龙光地产借壳回A股失败

Regulatory policy - Long Guang property shell back to a-share market failure

2016-08-11 03:18:46来源: 财新网

【财新网】(实习记者 黎柳茜)深圳房地产商龙光地产(03380.HK)借壳中国嘉陵(600877.SH)回归A股市场的希望破灭了。 特大型国企——中国南方工业集团公司此前是中国嘉陵的大股东,持有中国嘉陵22.34%的股权。中国嘉陵是中国摩托车行业走向衰落的缩影。2015年年报显示,其...

【 caixin 】 (internship reporter Li Liu dasey) shenzhen real estate ShangLong property of light (03380 HK) shell China jialing (600877. SH) hopes to return to a-share market. Giant state-owned enterprises - after China south industries group corporation is the major shareholder of China jialing, owns a 22.34% stake in China jialing. China jialing is a microcosm of China's motorcycle industry to decline. In 2015 annual report, its...