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Grilled steak a 1 m dunk in junior high school students who are magic

2016-07-26 12:43:52来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间7月26日,最近,一个身高只有1米58的美国初中生完成劲爆扣篮的视频在网络上被疯传开来。那么这位新一代的“小土豆”到底是何许人也?让我们来一起扒一扒看看! 这个初中生名叫威廉-伊斯顿(William Easton),他目前就读于美国佛罗里达州杰克逊威尔的Jean ...

Dispatch of sina sports Beijing time on July 26, recently, only a height of 1 m American junior high school students to complete the explosive dunks video on the Internet is crazy. So the new generation of "small potato" exactly is who? Let us together with a steak! The junior middle school students named William Easton (William Easton), he is currently studying in the United States, Florida Jackson will Jean...