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科研是一条艰辛路 新发现比发论文更重要

Research is a hard road is more important than new discoveries made paper

2016-06-03 09:57:16来源: 内蒙古新闻网

李文辉在观测实验结果。北京生命科学研究所供图 至今仍让全球2.4亿多人遭受痛苦的乙肝病毒,是美国已故科学家巴鲁克·布隆伯格在上世纪70年代发现的。以他的名字命名的研究所,是目前全球顶尖的乙肝病毒...

Li Wenhui observation results. Beijing Institute of Life Sciences Contributor still allow 240 million people worldwide suffer from hepatitis B virus, which is the late US scientist Baruch Blumberg in the 1970s discovered. To institute named after him, is the world's leading hepatitis B virus ...