新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日照第四届童博会盛大开幕 环游世界还能拿大奖

日照第四届童博会盛大开幕 环游世界还能拿大奖

Sunshine in the fourth session of the Po will grand opening around the world can take the prize

2015-06-20 19:19:37来源: 大众网

“德瑞·太阳公元”2015日照市第四届童博会在6月20日开幕,持续到6月22日 嘉宾共同启动童博会 活动恰逢“山东24小时”新闻客户端一周岁生日,好礼送不断 现场观展人员众多 两位童博会代言...

"dre - Sun ad 2015 in Rizhao City, the fourth session of the Po will opened on June 20, continued to guest on June 22 jointly launched the Po will coincide with the" Shandong 24 hour news client a birthday, gift to send continuous site visitors many people two Po will endorse.