新关注 > 信息聚合 > 野马T70限时优惠5000元 欢迎试乘试驾

野马T70限时优惠5000元 欢迎试乘试驾

Mustang T70 limited-time offers 5000 yuan Welcome to try-out driving

2016-04-08 23:45:41来源: 人民网

促销时间 2016.04.08-2016.04.15 近日,编辑从南阳了解到,店内野马T70现车销售,颜色可选,目前购车部分车型可优惠0.50万元,感兴趣的朋友可以到店咨询购买,详情见下表: ...

Promotion time 2016.04.08-2016.04.15 recently, editor understands from nanyang, in-store mustang T70 current car sales, color is optional, the current car parts models can offer 05000 yuan, interested friends can seek advice to store to buy, see the table below:...