新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奚国华委员:公益商业双重属性困扰运营商


Xi Guohua members: the dual nature of public commercial property troubled operators

2016-03-05 01:06:23来源: 财新网

电信运营企业的定位要进一步明确。他建议,深化国有企业改革中,要把理顺投资关系、优化投资管理模式、推动生产经营模式创新作为重点方向 【财新网】(记者 覃敏)在中央下发《关于深化国有企业改革的指导意见...

Telecom operators to further clarify the positioning. He suggested that in the process of deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, to straighten out the relationship investment, optimize investment management, production and business model innovation to promote as a key direction [Caixin] (reporter Tan Min) in the central issued "on deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises of guidance.