新关注 > 信息聚合 > 锋友分享:解决 Mac 无声音/蓝屏/分区等问题

锋友分享:解决 Mac 无声音/蓝屏/分区等问题

Feng friends share: solve the problem of Mac no sound / Blue / etc.

2016-05-01 13:51:32来源: 中金在线

2、事先用设备自带的老版 Boot Camp 下载 Windows 驱动文件,这样能保证这些驱动最适合 Mac,新版有可能会出现兼容问题。 3、如果 Boot Camp 没有制作 U 盘的选项,...

2, prior to use the equipment comes with the old version of Camp Windows download Boot driver files, so as to ensure that these drivers are most suitable for Mac, the new version is likely to be compatible with the problem. 3, if Camp Boot did not produce the option of U disk,...